Import update
Good morning and a very good week to all! In general, COVID is heavily influencing airport activities: at airports all over the world we work in compliance with the ANTI-COVID rules. These measures slow down the entire operation of the airport supply chain, the rules vary from country to country: lockdowns are observed in some countries and operations are even more complex. This is the photo of the situation: Lack of manpower Strict Anti-Covid Measures Longer processing times in airport terminals Cutting of the cargo hold on passenger flights during the CIIE E-Commerce / Black Friday / Cyber Monday Congested reception airports in Asia and Europe and reduced workforce For Shanghai: China International Import Expo (CIIE) to be held in Shanghai from 05 to 10 November Instability of air services and lack of flights As a result of these situations, air traffic is congested and air fares are rising from all sources. The greatest requests for increases are registered in China and in particular on traffic from Shanghai as a result of the CIIE. The companies, for the logic of embarking shipments at the highest rate and taking advantage of the moment, have released spaces and entire flights for e-commerce shipments to the detriment of regular and usual traffic shipments. Dangerous goods departing from Asia are subject to special checks and dies and the greater quantity of non-dangerous goods slows down the acceptance of shipments by airlines. The attention of airlines to punctual reservations has increased, cancellation penalties have become a habit. The offices, with flexibility, are working to find the ” solution ”.

Central Cargo
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